Updating to a Lorentz System

25th May 2020
Amanda Dean

This fantastic Lorentz Solar Pump system has been installed to replace an old Mono drive which had our client having to drive 2.5Kms four times a week to start an old Diesel engine to run his pump.

The Lorentz system doesn't require anyone to start it, it just starts pumping itself each morning 7 days a week.

This particular unit is a Lorentz PS2 600 HR14 delivering an average 22,000 litres of water per day and 24,000 litres per day during Summer.

These Lorentz Solar Systems are practical and affordable systems allowing our clients peace of mind knowing they are pumping water to varios troughs and tanks around thier property and not needing to drive several Kms to run old diesel pumps and motors.

If you need advise and help organising your water needs on your property call Simon to discuss your options.

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